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Uhrenarmbänder | Finden Sie Ihr Uhrenarmband

Kostenloser Versand ür Uhren über 50€
Balmain Uhren

Balmain Uhren

Der Modeschöpfer Pierre Balmain beschreibt seine Kunst als "Architektur der Bewegung". In diesem Sinne strahlt die Balmain-Uhrenkollektion Luxus, Eleganz und Präzision aus, die in strukturelle Designs eingebettet sind. Luxuriöse Details wie Edelsteine, Perlmutt, Diamanten und das für Balmain charakteristische Arabeskenmuster unterstreichen den Haute-Couture-Look, der dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Uhr nie aus der Mode kommt.

Beliebte Suchbegriffe: Beleganza, Haute Elegance, Eirini, Classic R, Balmania en Balmain de Balmain.

279 Uhren

Balmain watches for women 

Step into the world of couturier Pierre Balmain with a Balmain women's watch. The hand of the master is reflected in the details: the recurring graceful 'Arabesque' pattern, subtle use of high-quality mother of pearl and sharply cut 'dauphine' hands for optimal light-dark contrast and good readability.

Balmain watch with Arabesque pattern

Balmain watch with Arabesque pattern

Balmain watch with mother of pearl dial and dauphine hands

Balmain watch with mother of pearl dial and dauphine hands

The luxurious appearance of Balmain watches for women is further expressed by the use of high-gloss coatings and the perfect finish of the case and bracelet. The basic colors of Balmain women's watches are silver and gold. In addition, for most models you can also choose from two-tone silver-gold and silver-rose gold. Furthermore, the brand has a wide choice of different types of dials, stripe indexes or (Roman) numerals or diamond indexes. 

Balmain watches with diamonds 

For an extra luxurious touch, Balmain always uses genuine diamonds as a decorative element or as hour markers. 

Balmain watches for men 

Balmain mainly focuses on women's watches, but the collection also offers stylish watches for men that meet the highest quality standards. Balmain men's watches have the same style, but a slightly larger size than the women's models and are available with a wider choice of colored dials. 

Balmain watch outlet 

In our watch outlet you will find Balmain watches with the same style and quality and discounts of up to 50%.